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XRT Debug Tool 3 is the third debug tool in the XRT Debug Tool series on the Thevmedia TÉST DZ-68-5. It contains some "awful" unused data in the game files, and a screenshot of a game that wasn't out yet at the time of this debug tool's release. Be careful while looking at this page!


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Unused text[]

Земля находится в человеческих конфликтов сейчас.
Глобальная местного всему миру война в том, что, вероятно, никогда конца. "Доброжелательные  '
люди", "Террористы", "Глухие Люди, которые не слушает" и "Природа" все в этой войне.
Там нет конца, и никто не может его остановить. Наш мозг позади большинства локальных войн из 
этого конфликта.

Russian text. This actually means:

The Earth is in a human conflict now.
A global local worldwide war is in effect that will probably never end. "Friendly People", 
"Terrorists", "Deaf People that Does Not Listen" and "The Nature" are all in this war.
There is no end, and no one can stop it. Our brains are behind most local wars of this  

It was written by Thevmedia. The "members" of the group "Deaf People that Does Not Listen" are actually people that chose not to listen to the public, like Google. Thevmedia themselves do not like the war and would tell others to "check their brains and so on before doing anything".

Взорвать ЗЕМЛЮ!

Located around that Russian text.

Unused graphics[]


A screenshot of the then unreleased Thevmedia TÉST DZ-68-5 game Русский мир Республика (Russian for "Russian World Republic"). The bars are called from left: плохой-аккумулятор (bad battery), батареи-не-хватит (battery will run out) and уже-полон (already full).
